Computer and information science description

  • Computer and Information Science subjects

    By these definitions, computing qualifies as an exact science.
    It studies information processes, which occur naturally in the physi- cal world; computer scientists work with an accepted, systematized body of knowledge; much com- puter science is applied; and com- puter science is used for prediction and verification..

  • What is computer science a description?

    Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems.
    It is a broad field which includes everything from the algorithms that make up software to how software interacts with hardware to how well software is developed and designed..

  • What is computer science and information technology about?

    The difference between Computer Science and Information Technology is that computer scientists design and develop the software programs that IT professionals use and maintain.
    IT specialists take what they've learned about computers and apply that knowledge in businesses across all industries..

  • Six Concentrations

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science Specialist.Mobile and Web Technology Specialist.Cyber Security Specialist.Digital Media Specialist.Software Engineering Specialist.Business Intelligence Specialist.

Model selection principle

Minimum Description Length (MDL) is a model selection principle where the shortest description of the data is the best model.
MDL methods learn through a data compression perspective and are sometimes described as mathematical applications of Occam's razor.
The MDL principle can be extended to other forms of inductive inference and learning, for example to estimation and sequential prediction, without explicitly identifying a single model of the data.


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