Computer terminology information means

  • What is a computer terminology?

    Application – A computer program that does specific tasks such as word processing or spreadsheets.
    Bit – Represents a binary digit which is the amount of information obtained by asking a 'yes' or 'no' question.
    This is also the smallest unit of information stored on a computer as a 0 or 1..

  • What is data in computer terminology means Mcq?

    In computing, Data is the sequence of one or more symbols..

  • What is information in computer class 1?

    The information can be numbers, words, pictures, movies, or sounds.
    Computer information is also called data.
    Computers can process huge amounts of data very quickly.
    They also store and display data..

  • What is input in computer terminology?

    To provide a better understanding of input, output, and processing, these concepts are defined as follows.
    Input - the information entered into a computer system, examples include: typed text, mouse clicks, etc.
    Processing - the process of transforming input information into and output..

  • In computing, Data is the sequence of one or more symbols.
  • The information can be numbers, words, pictures, movies, or sounds.
    Computer information is also called data.
    Computers can process huge amounts of data very quickly.
    They also store and display data.
  • To provide a better understanding of input, output, and processing, these concepts are defined as follows.
    Input - the information entered into a computer system, examples include: typed text, mouse clicks, etc.
    Processing - the process of transforming input information into and output.
Information refers to the data in the useful form that is received or stored in the computer.

What is a computer operating system?

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages a computer’s resources and processes.
They are also responsible for your computer’s ability to run and execute programs.
Operating systems enable you to communicate with your computer without needing to speak your computer’s language.


What is an algorithm in Computer Science?

An algorithm is a sequence of instructions used to perform a task in software.
Artificial intelligence (AI), is a term used to describe computers’ aptitude to mimic human abilities such as:

  • reasoning
  • knowledge representation
  • planning
  • learning
  • natural language processing
  • perception
  • robotics
  • social intelligence and general intelligence.
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    What is information in Computer Science?

    What is information.
    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver.
    When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    After processing -- such as:

  • formatting and printing -- output data can again be perceived as information.
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    What is Information Technology & Computing?

    In the context of information technology (IT) and computing, it is information that a software application collects and records.
    Data is typically stored in a database and includes ,the fields, records and other information that make up the database.
    It can be accessed and manipulated digitally, and it is quick and easy to transfer among computers.


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