Conduct disorder diagnostic criteria icd 10

  • What are the diagnostic features of conduct disorder?

    Your child may meet the criteria for conduct disorder if you find them engaging in several of the below behaviors:

    Bullying or threatening behavior.Physical aggression.Cruelty toward people or animals.Fire-setting.Breaking curfew.Truancy from home or school.Trespassing.Lying..

  • Symptoms of Conduct Disorder
    Frequent physical altercations with others.
    Use of a weapon to harm others.
    Deliberately physically cruel to other people.
    Deliberately physically cruel to animals.
  • The signs and symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of CD demonstrate a pervasive and repetitive pattern of aggression towards people, animals, with the destruction of property and violation of rules.
    Conduct disorder is more common in boys than girls, and the ratio could range from 4:1 as much as 12:1.


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