Crisis management sbu

  • What is an emergency management plan?

    An emergency plan is a written set of instructions that. outlines what workers and others at the workplace. should do in an emergency..

  • What is the difference between a disaster and a crisis?

    The dictionary definitions of these words are as follows: Emergency - a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
    Disaster - a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
    Crisis - a time of intense difficulty or danger..

  • Evacuation plans and stocking food and water are both examples of preparedness.
    Preparedness activities take place before an emergency occurs.
  • The dictionary definitions of these words are as follows: Emergency - a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
    Disaster - a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
    Crisis - a time of intense difficulty or danger.
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) seeks to safeguard the Stony Brook University community from harm. OEM assesses all the possible crises that could 

Crisis Leadership Begins with Authentic Communication

With no one to blame, leaders have the ability to shine right now.
I hope that leaders remember that the people who work for them are complex, motivated people who, when lead well, will rise to the occasion and work for the good of the organization.
I hope that leaders learn to communicate in a really authentic way because people connect with authe.


Crisis Leadership Calls For New Strategies

What tools or mechanisms have you put in place to help your teams and/or customers deal with this time of uncertainty.
I’ve helped to develop online training products that support inclusive leadership across an array of different industries. This product is a hybrid of online live training and modules leaders engage with at their convenience; it he.


Crisis Leadership Calls For Pivoting to Sustain Business

I decided to change our in-person model to an online model in order to quickly pivot our framework and deliver our product to meet the needs of the new socially distanced market. In a very short time frame, our consulting firm developed four new products to sustain our company and provide quality services to our clients.


Crisis Leadership Can Be Challenging

Being a good leader can be difficult, particularly now.
However, thoughtful, self-reflective leaders are what organizations need today and as we figure out the future.
The challenges from the MSL program created a base that allows me to move forward with some certainty during this time.
What do you hope leaders will learn from this unprecendented s.


Crisis Leadership Requires Motivating Staff

For my team, I've constantly said "the recruiting year isn't over until 30 September" (when the fiscal year ends) and used that as our motivator. This pandemic has had a tremendous impact on who we can access for our recruiting goals.
The DOD travel ban has prevented us from shipping applicants and has essentially taken away roughly 25% of our proj.


Crisis Leadership

As leaders, we might not always have the answers or ability to create the certainty people are craving, but we do have the opportunity to connect and deepen the trust our teams have in us.
During a time like this, what do you think is the difference between leading with compassion versus just managing people.
I’ve been playing Monopoly at home with.


How Leaders Make Difficult Decisions

All leaders are faced with incredibly difficult decisions right now.
Do I furlough someone to help the company maintain cash with the intent to rehire them.
Do I keep them and reduce hours.
What will the future look like.
Will customers ever come back.
Those who can face those decisions with strong communication, consistency and empathy while balan.


Theory X

Understanding the previous ideas that people must be motivated to work because they are incapable of self-direction (Theory X), helps me to acknowledge the underlying fears that when working from home, people will just ignore work but still expect to be paid.
Because culture takes time to change, Theory X still provides an underlying feeling of con.


Theory Y

Developing the skills and thoughts around generational diversity and its various impacts on business has certainly impacted me as a leader right now.
I also think that McGregor’s Theory Y — that people are motivated to work and that they seek responsibility — has been very evident in this crisis.


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