Conflict resolution jibc

  • How to do conflict resolution?

    In conflict management, or any kind of mediation exercise, there are three principle decision models: Capitulation, Compromise, and Collaboration (the .

    1. C version also lists Consensus and Co-existence, but in my experience, both can be achieved through any of the original three options)

  • Is conflict resolution a course?

    Learn Conflict Resolution Online
    For those pursuing professional advancement, skill acquisition, or even a new career path, these Conflict Resolution courses can be a valuable resource.
    Take the next step in your professional journey and enroll in a Conflict Resolution course today.

What is judicial conflict resolution?

Descriptively, the Article conceptualizes judicial activity in promoting settlement and plea bargaining as Judicial Conflict Resolution (“JCR”) and examines it along the lines of common methods of conflict resolution -- negotiation, mediation, arbitration, dialogue facilitation, problem solving, restorative justice and dispute design.


What is the centre for Conflict Resolution?

The Centre for Conflict Resolution equips its students with the skills needed to effectively respond to and resolve issues related to conflict within organizations, workplaces, communities and families.
Conflict resolution courses and programs at JIBC are the most comprehensive of their kind in Canada.


What is the JIBC program?

For leaders and aspiring leaders, this JIBC program teaches foundational leadership knowledge and practical conflict resolution tools that can be applied immediately to your communities and workplace Upcoming Special Event | November 30 | Positive Leadership:

  • Maximizing Workplace Wellness | Online | Register now! Is this program right for you? .

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    Conflict resolution listening skills
    Conflict resolution literature review