Conjunctive query answering

  • What is a query answer?

    A query is a mechanism to extract new information from given information stored in some form.
    The extracted information is called the answer to the query.
    In the most general sense, a query is an arbitrary (computable) function, from some input to some output..

Do description logics answer conjunctive queries over knowledge bases?

When description logics are used for data integration, more attention has been paid to the more general inference problem of answering conjunctive queries over knowledge bases.
Formally, the problem is defined as follows.
Definition 12.3 conjunctive queries over Description Logic knowledge bases .


How does Qonto handle conjunctive queries?

QuOnto assumes that the Abox is stored in an RDBMS and handles the union of conjunctive queries that are composed of Abox assertions.
The main idea of the query answering approach is to reformulate the query taking into account the Tbox using a set of mapping assertions.


What is the computational complexity of evaluating conjunctive queries?

For the study of the computational complexity of evaluating conjunctive queries, two problems have to be distinguished.
The first is the problem of evaluating a conjunctive query on a relational database where both the query and the database are considered part of the input.


Conjunctive query algorithm
Conjunctive conjunction examples
Contact me if you have any queries
Ovsdb-client query example
Conjunctive queries
Conjunctive query containment
Conjunctive query combine complexity
Contact us if you have any queries
Concur support contact
Request.querystring not working
Conjunctive query evaluation
Query email example
Explain responding to queries
Query escalation process
Request.querystring example
Conjunctive queries in relational databases
Conjunctive queries implementation
Conjunctive query example
Conjunctive question example
Conjunctive sentence examples