Conservation biology course syllabus

  • In the simplest terms, a conservation biologist is a professional scientist who 'manages' nature; however, a more comprehensive answer might state that a conservation biologist is interested in studying the Earth's biodiversity with a central goal of protecting both plant and animal species, habitats, and ecosystems.
This course covers the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss, and prepares students science-based careers in. Conservation Biology. The class begins by.

Academic Rules and Conduct

All students should be aware of the guidelines on academic integrity contained in the Student Code, which is available here.


Basic Course Information

Credits:3 Instructor: Chris Elphick(he/him) Office hours: I am happy to meet via video conference; please email to set up a meeting.
Tell me what you want to talk about and when you are available to meet.
Email:; Twitter: @ssts Teaching assistant:Nicholas Van Gilder (he/him) Office hours:W 9:00 (in HuskyCT Collaborate) or by.


Conservation Biology in The News

Recent news articles that relate to the topics covered in this course will be posted on Twitter and can be viewed here.
You do not need an account to view them, but if you use Twitter and want to contribute please do so using #eeb2208.
If you want to get the class-related tweets that I post, follow me @ssts.


Honors Conversion Projects

Occasionally honors students conduct additional projects to get honors credit for this class.
Recently, those projects have involved developing web sites that provide information about conservation biology that relates to UConn or the state of Connecticut.
I will post examples of those projects here as the information may be of interest to other st.


Important Policies

Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence The University is committed to maintaining an environment free of discrimination or discriminatory harassment directed toward any person or group within its community – students, employees, or visitors.
Academic and professional excellence can flourish only when each membe.


Poster Topics

The following topics have been taken:Please make note of your poster number as you will need it to submit your poster online.


Schedule of Lectures and Examinations

The schedule below describes the order in which we will cover material.
Not every topic fits nicely into the time set aside for a lecture, so be prepared for us to start some topics a lecture early, and for others to take longer than the syllabus suggests.
Snow days may also disrupt things, so don’t be surprised if the topic listing changes slightl.


Spring 2022

This course will provide an introduction to the discipline of conservation biology.
The first two-thirds of the course will focus on the biological aspects of the discipline.

Topics covered will include patterns of biodiversity and extinction, causes of extinction and population declines, techniques used to restore populations, landscape level cons.


What are the prerequisites for a biology course?


  • There are currently no prerequisites for the course
  • but it is aimed at students who are at least sophomores and have taken at least some biology in high school.
    Textbook:I lecture primarily from my own notes, and there is no required reading for the course.
  • ,

    What books do you use to study conservation biology?

    A textbook I’ve used in the past is Essentials of Conservation Biology (R.B.
    Primack, 6th Edition, Sinauer)
    , which closely follows the sequence of my lectures.
    Another book (Sodhi and Ehrlich) that might be helpful is available as a free download here.


    What is a conservation biology course?

    This course will provide an introduction to the discipline of conservation biology.
    The first two-thirds of the course will focus on the biological aspects of the discipline.


    What will be covered in a conservation course?

    The first two-thirds of the course will focus on the biological aspects of the discipline.
    Topics covered will include:

  • patterns of biodiversity and extinction
  • causes of extinction and population declines
  • techniques used to restore populations
  • landscape level conservation planning
  • and the role of conservation in protecting ecosystem services.

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