Current issues in conservation biology

  • Conservation topics to talk about

    Habitat loss, climate change, and a lack of biodiversity can all make ecosystems unhealthy, putting wildlife at greater risk for disease..

  • What are the challenges of conservation biology?

    They include: loss and degradation of habitat, climate change, chemical and biochemical pollution, logging and poaching, invasive species, disease, loss of plant pollinators, and many more.Oct 26, 2015.

  • What are the main conservation issues?

    Top issues include habitat loss and fragmentation, limited water for environmental flows, invasive species and climate change..

  • What is the biggest problem with conservation today?

    Top issues include habitat loss and fragmentation, limited water for environmental flows, invasive species and climate change..

  • Climate Change.
  • Land Use Changes.
  • Invasive Species.
  • Disruption of Disturbance Regimes.
  • Barriers to Animal Movement.
  • Water Quality and Quantity.
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Private Landowners to Initiate Conservation Actions.

Changes in Low Cloud Cover

Low clouds shade sizable portions of the planet in subtropical regions.
It is predicted that these clouds will become increasingly unstable if atmospheric carbon dioxide continues to rise at current rates.
The resulting changes could have negative effects on wildlife and human communities.


How many citations does conservation biology have?

Conservation Biology has a CiteScore of 10.5 CiteScore is the average number of citations received in a calendar year by all items published in that journal in the preceding three years.


Large-Scale Adoption of Sustainable Farming Techniques Across India

Driven by government policies and local innovations, sustainable farming practices are becoming more prevalent in India.
The state government of Sikkim has adopted organic farming as policy, and the state of Andhra Pradesh, with 6 million farmers, plans to adopt natural farming practices by 2025.
Other states across the country plan to follow suit..


Seabirds Could Help Spot Illegal Fishing

Seabirds often follow fishing vessels to score easy meals.
Now, scientists are hoping to exploit this behavior to help spot illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, which accounts for up to $23.5 billion worth of seafood every year, or 1 in 5 fish sold.
Researchers have had some success attaching transmitters to seabirds to locate fishing vess.


What to Do with A Growing Number of Decommissioned Offshore Energy Platforms

It is estimated that 3,000 offshore oil and gas platforms will be decommissioned in the coming decades and that the number of offshore wind farms will continue to grow.
Currently, decommissioning practices vary by country and include full removal, conversion of platforms to artificial reefs, and abandonment.
As new offshore energy infrastructure is.


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