Constitutional law dukki

  • What is the rule of law in India?

    Rule of Law – Meaning & Scope
    This in essence means that no man can be arrested, punished or be lawfully made to suffer in body or in goods except by the due process of law and for breach of a law established in the ordinary legal manner before the ordinary courts of the land..

  • The fountain source of law in India is the Constitution which, in turn, gives due recognition to statutes, case law and customary law consistent with its dispensations.
    Statutes are enacted by Parliament, State Legislatures and Union Territory Legislatures.

What if a state is found unconstitutional?

S-32 Constitutional Law- I: Supplement 2007The court held that on a proclamation under Art

356 dissolving the legislativeassembly of a State being found unconstitutional, the Court had the power to restorethe status quo ante as prevailing before dissolution of the Assembly

What is constitutional Lew?

Constitutional Lew Constitutional law is the study of foundational or basic laws of a State, According to Kelke, Constitutional law is a system of fundamental rules and principles of government of @ state defining the relation and powers of different parts of the government as between one another and as between the government and governed

What is constitutionality of a law?

In such a case, what has to be ascertained is thepith and substance of enactment i

e true object of legislation (and its scope and effects)

Constitutionality of a law is to be judged by its real subject matter and not by itsincidental effect on another's field


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