Constitutional law in a sentence

  • How do I use constitutional in a sentence?

    The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers.
    At one time, the club's constitution prevented women from becoming full members.
    He must have an extremely strong constitution.
    I've always had the constitution of an ox..

  • What is constitution in a simple sentence?

    If you have to do something by law or if you are not allowed to do something by law, the law states that you have to do it or that you are not allowed to do it.
    By law all restaurants must display their prices outside.
    Minicabs are prohibited by law from touting passers-by for business..

He stunned an audience with constitutional law. I was brought up in constitutional law. Is that proceeding according to constitutional law? That term includes the constitutional law.

How long have constitutional laws been in operation in the United States?

Constitutional laws have been in operation in the United States since the time that the Constitution was enacted in 1787

Constitutional laws embody the rules and regulations which govern the country and the legal rights of the individuals who reside within the United States

Criminalconstitutional rights are the set of legal protections that are granted to individuals under the Constitution of the Uniā€¦
The United States Constitution contains several provisions related to criminal sentencing.

Common length of time for establishing differences in legal status

The year and a day rule is associated with the former common law standard that death could not be legally attributed to acts or omissions that occurred more than a year and a day before the death.


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