Constitutional law pdf noun

What is a unit 1 in constitutional law?

In Unit 1, you were introduced to the definition and sources of constitutional law

In this unit, we shall be looking at the classification of the constitution

The Unit begins by giving a brief definition of constitution, its nature, functions and origin

define constitution; and explain the different types of constitutions

What is a written constitution?

Written constitutions are now widespread in the world

Such constitutions invariably spell out the three arms of government namely, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary

The most fundamental attribute of written constitution is that it cannot be changed, amended or repeated like an ordinary enactment

What is constitutional law?

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1 Introduction Objectives Main Content Definition of Constitutional Law Scope of Constitutional Law Traditional Constitutional Concept

Conclusion Summary Tutor-Marked Assignment References/Further Readings The term Constitution applies to the system of Law and government by which the affairs of a modern state are administered


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