Constitutional rights examples

What are my basic constitutional rights?
  • Freedom of Religion. The First Amendment requires the federal government to be absolutely neutral in matters of religion.
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom to Petition & Assemble.
  • Freedom of Association.
  • Right to Bear Arms.
  • Right to Privacy.
  • Equal Protection.
  • Right to Vote.

What are some examples of constitutional rights?

For example, constitutional rights include freedom of speech and freedom of the press

If anyone attempts to stop someone from exercising his constitutional rights, then this is a potential violation, and the victim has the right to file a lawsuit against that person

To explore this concept, consider the following constitutional rights definition

What rights are set out in a constitution?

Specific entitlements are set out in legislation

In other countries, economic, social and cultural rights are not set out in constitutions, but the social situation of the population is addressed through the constitution declaring the relevant responsibilities of the State


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