Constitutional law of the gambia

  • How is Gambia governed?

    Constitutional framework
    The Gambia is a multiparty republic.
    Under the constitution that was ratified 1996 and went into effect in 1997, the president, who is the head of state and government, is elected by universal suffrage to a five-year term..

  • How many constitutions are in the Gambia?

    This synopsis highlights three constitutions: Independence Constitution of 1965; the Republican Constitution of 1970; and the current 1997 Constitution.
    The Gambia became an independent Commonwealth nation on February 18, 1965 under a Constitution much influenced by the British in content and form..

  • Is Gambia a secular state?

    The Gambia gained independence from British rule in 1965, initially as a constitutional monarchy, before becoming a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970.
    The country has remained secular in principle..

  • What is the legal system in Gambia?

    The Gambia's legal system is based on a tripartite system: English law, including the common law and principles of equity; customary law; and Shari'a law (Islamic law)..

  • The Gambia gained independence from British rule in 1965, initially as a constitutional monarchy, before becoming a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970.
    The country has remained secular in principle.
This Constitution provides for us a fundamental Law, which affirms our commitment to freedom, justice, probity and accountability. It also affirms the principle 

Can a court impose a death sentence in the Gambia?

As from the coming into force of this Constitution, no court in The Gambia shall be competent to impose a sentence of death for any offence unless the sentence is prescribed by law and the offence involves violence, or the administration of any toxic substance, resulting in the death of another person

What is the Constitution of the Gambia?

Constitution of public 80

Subject to this Constitution and any Act of the National Assembly Offices the President may constitute any public office for The Gambia and make appointments to such office and terminate such appointments

Administration of 81

(1) Where the Vice-President or a Secretary of State

Why did the Gambia change government in 1994?

The sovereign people of The Gambia therefore endorsed the change of government on 22nd July 1994 to rectify such evils

This Constitution provides for us a fundamental Law, which affirms our commitment to freedom, justice, probity and accountability

It also affirms the principle that all power emanate from the sovereign will of the people

Constitutional law of the gambia
Constitutional law of the gambia

Gambian crisis

A constitutional crisis occurred in Gambia following presidential elections in December 2016, in which challenger Adama Barrow achieved an upset victory over longtime incumbent Yahya Jammeh.
It eventually concluded after a military intervention by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) led to Jammeh’s departure from the country.

Legal penalty in The Gambia

Capital punishment remains a legal penalty for multiple crimes in The Gambia.
However, the country has taken recent steps towards abolishing the death penalty.
Constitution of the Gambia

Constitution of the Gambia

The Constitution of the Gambia is the supreme law of the Republic of the Gambia.
The Gambia followed a formal policy of non-alignment throughout most

The Gambia followed a formal policy of non-alignment throughout most

The Gambia followed a formal policy of non-alignment throughout most of former President Dawda Jawara's tenure.
It maintained close relations with the United Kingdom, Senegal, and other African countries.
The July 1994 coup strained The Gambia's relationship with Western powers, particularly the United States.
Starting in 1995, President Yahya Jammeh established diplomatic relations with several additional countries, including Libya, the Republic of China, and Cuba.
During his last years, the EU grew increasingly intolerant of Jammeh's iron-fist rule.
Consequently, Brussels withheld millions of Euros to The Gambia.
Jammeh fired back by expelling the EU's top diplomat in the country after he had accused the bloc and human rights activists of conniving to besmirch the image of his government for its stance on homosexuality.
Gambian nationality law is regulated by the Constitution of The Gambia

Gambian nationality law is regulated by the Constitution of The Gambia

Gambian nationality law is regulated by the Constitution of The Gambia, as amended; The Gambia Nationality and Citizenship Act, and its revisions; and various international agreements to which the country is a signatory.
These laws determine who is, or is eligible to be, a national of The Gambia.
The legal means to acquire nationality, formal legal membership in a nation, differ from the domestic relationship of rights and obligations between a national and the nation, known as citizenship.
Nationality describes the relationship of an individual to the state under international law, whereas citizenship is the domestic relationship of an individual within the nation.
Gambian nationality is typically obtained under the principle of jus sanguinis, born to parents with Gambian nationality.
It can be granted to persons with an affiliation to the country, or to a permanent resident who has lived in the country for a given period of time through naturalisation.
The Gambia Colony and Protectorate was the British

The Gambia Colony and Protectorate was the British

British colony and protectorate from 1821 to 1965

The Gambia Colony and Protectorate was the British colonial administration of The Gambia from 1821 to 1965, part of the British Empire in the New Imperialism era.
The colony was the immediate area surrounding Bathurst, and the protectorate was the inland territory situated around the Gambia River, which was declared in 1894.
The first written records of the region come from French traders (barbers)

The first written records of the region come from French traders (barbers)

Aspect of history

The first written records of the region come from French traders (barbers) in the 9th and 10th centuries.
In medieval times, the region was dominated by the Trans-Saharan trade and was ruled by the Mali Empire.
In the 16th century, the region came to be ruled by the Songhai Empire.
The first Europeans to visit the Gambia River were the Portuguese in the 15th century, in 1447, who attempted to settle on the river banks, but no settlement of significant size was established.
Descendants of the Portuguese settlers remained until the 18th century.
In the late 16th century, English merchants attempted to begin a trade with the Gambia, reporting that it was a river of secret trade and riches concealed by the Portuguese.
Islam is the major religion in the Gambia

Islam is the major religion in the Gambia

Religion in the Gambia

Islam is the major religion in the Gambia, representing 97% of the 2 million population, with the first Muslim communities in the country arriving in 11th century.
Islam has therefore had an influence on the Gambia throughout history, and continues to impact its culture, society and politics.
The majority of The Gambia's Muslims are Sunni belonging to the Maliki school of jurisprudence, influenced with Sufism.
There is a smaller Shiite community, largely stemming form Lebanese and Arab migration.
The Ahmadiyya movement is also present.
Other religious societies exist in the country, including Catholics, Protestants, Hindus and Traditional African religions.
Politics of The Gambia takes place within the framework of

Politics of The Gambia takes place within the framework of

Politics of The Gambia takes place within the framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of The Gambia is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system.
Executive power is exercised by the government.
Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliaments.


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