Constitutional law and race

  • "The Constitution under Article III Section 1 also provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor any person be denied the equal protection of the laws," said Santiago.
Race represents a red flag. I argue that constitutional law's use of strict scrutiny rests on a dangerous assumption, namely that racism may be rational.AbstractThe Constitutional Debate The Sufficiency of Rational

Policies that aim to improve the conditions of racial minorities

A race-conscious policy is a policy that aims to improve the conditions of racial minorities.
In the United States, such policies are typically aimed at improving the status of African-Americans.
Many different kinds of race-conscious policies exist, ranging from nondiscrimination policy to strict numerical racial quotas.
Their main purpose is twofold: to compensate for past discrimination against the target race, and to increase equality of opportunity.


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