Constitutional law certificate

How can I print my constitutional knowledge certificate?

Constitution Matters Quizzes and Games Quiz: Test Your Constitutional Knowledge Page 121 of 134 1

Click the Print button at the right to print your certificate


Review the many resources provided on CPMS’s Constitution Day and Citizenship Day site


Take a field trip: ♦ Visit the National Archives

Where can I learn constitutional law online?

The Law School of the University of Chicago has designed an exhaustive list of online programs to help you grasp various aspects covered under Constitutional Law

You can scroll through the course list to check what you already know and what you need to learn

Constitutional law certificate
Constitutional law certificate

1494 law subordinating the Irish parliament to England

Poynings' Law or the Statute of Drogheda was a 1494 Act of the Parliament of Ireland which provided that the parliament could not meet until its proposed legislation had been approved both by Ireland's Lord Deputy and Privy Council and by England's monarch and Privy Council.
It was a major grievance in 18th-century Ireland, was amended by the Constitution of 1782, rendered moot by the Acts of Union 1800, and repealed by the Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1878.


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