Con legal aid

How can we improve the quality of Legal Aid?

The guidelines pay particular attention to improving the quality of the legal aid provision, and for this purpose, they suggest putting in place mechanisms and measures to ensure the quality of legal aid schemes, both in terms of their general functioning and, more importantly, in terms of the legal services delivered by legal aid providers

What does the Committee of Ministers say about legal aid?

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has adopted a set of guidelines for the 47 member States to help them improve the functioning of national systems of legal aid in the fields of civil and administrative law

The Committee of Ministers stresses the importance of establishing an

What is legal aid?

The guidelines define “Legal aid” as the provision of legal advice, assistance and/or representation by a legal aid provider at either no cost or subject to a financial contribution

Legal aid is only one way to guarantee access to justice

Con legal aid
Con legal aid

American nonprofit

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) is an American non-profit organization formed in 1986 to protect the First Amendment rights of comics creators, publishers, and retailers covering legal expenses.
Charles Brownstein served as the organization's executive director from 2002 until his resignation in 2020.
We Con the World is a 2010 video clip that satirizes the purportedly peaceful intentions of the political activists aboard the Turkish-owned flagship, MV Mavi Marmara, which led the Free Gaza flotilla.
The video uses the tune and style of the 1985 video We Are the World, with actors portraying the ship's captain and passengers while waving fake weapons as they sing in criticism of the activists' attempts to make the world abandon reason
and ignore facts about Hamas as they try to breach the Gaza blockade.


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