Constitutional law rights and protection

  • Which Amendment is the right to privacy

    Freedom of speech

Are all rights protected by the constitution based on case law?

As such, a large quantity of case law revolving around the application of constitutional rights has developed

Additionally, not all rights protected by the U

S Constitution are explicitly stated within

Some are implied or unenumerated, like the right to privacy

These unenumerated rights are established in case law

Constitutional law rights and protection
Constitutional law rights and protection

Brazilian regulation on the processing of personal data

The General Personal Data Protection Law, is a statutory law on data protection and privacy in the Federative Republic of Brazil.
The law's primary aim is to unify 40 different Brazilian laws that regulate the processing of personal data.
The LGPD contains provisions and requirements related to the processing of personal data of individuals, where the data is of individuals located in Brazil, where the data is collected or processed in Brazil, or where the data is used to offer goods or services to individuals in Brazil.


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