Constitutional law for federal government

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    Constitution of the Unit

Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic

The federal government of Iraq is defined under the current Constitution, approved in 2005, as an Islamic, democratic, federal parliamentary republic.
The federal government is composed of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, as well as numerous independent commissions.

Internationally recognised government of Somalia

The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is the internationally recognised government of Somalia, and the first attempt to create a central government in Somalia since the collapse of the Somali Democratic Republic.
It replaced the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia on 20 August 2012 with the adoption of the Constitution of Somalia.
Constitutional law for federal government
Constitutional law for federal government

Federal administrative apparatus of the Eurasian country

The government of Russia is the federal executive body of state power of the Russian Federation.
The members of the government are the prime minister, the deputy prime ministers, and the federal ministers.
It has its legal basis in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal constitutional law On the Government of the Russian Federation.
The Apparatus of the Government of Russia is a governmental body which administrates the activities of the government.


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