Constitutional theory carl schmitt pdf

  • What is the concept of the political Schmitt summary?

    For Schmitt, the political is reducible to the existential distinction between friend and enemy.
    This distinction arises from the fact of human diversity: identities and practices, beliefs and way of life can, in principle, be in conflict with one another..

  • What is the political theory of Carl Schmitt?

    The Concept of the Political
    Schmitt, in perhaps his best-known formulation, bases his conceptual realm of state sovereignty and autonomy upon the distinction between friend and enemy.
    Schmitt writes: The political enemy need not be morally evil or aesthetically ugly… But he is, nevertheless, the other, the stranger…".

  • What is the summary of the concept of the political by Carl Schmitt?

    For Schmitt, the political is reducible to the existential distinction between friend and enemy.
    This distinction arises from the fact of human diversity: identities and practices, beliefs and way of life can, in principle, be in conflict with one another..

  • For Schmitt, there is no unity of the state or of the people without sovereignty.
    The sovereign representative exists only as a function of making the unity of the people visible to all of its members.
    It has absolute authority because it re-presents to all their unity, or state.

How did Schmitt reinterpret the theory of constituent power?

Schmitt gave the theory of constituent power a vigorous reinterpretation in Dictatorship (1921) and in Constitutional Theory (1928) by merging Sieyès’s thinking on constituent power with his own analyses of sovereignty and the concept of the political

When was Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory published?

SW doc Political theory/Legal studies Carl Schmitt’s magnum opus, Constitutional Theory, was originally published in 1928 and has been in print in German ever since

This volume makes Schmitt’s masterpiece of comparative Schmitt constitutionalism available to English-language readers for the first time


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