Constitutional theory in psychology

  • Who is the author of the constitutional theory of personality?

    William Sheldon was an American psychologist and physician.
    Influenced by the pragmatism of philosopher William James and by his own experience as a naturalist, he created the field of somatotype and constitutional psychology that associates body types with personality and delinquency..

Sheldon's constitutional theory, also known as somatotyping, proposed that human body types are linked to different personality traits and temperaments. Sheldon's theory was based on the idea that the human body can be classified into three basic types, or somatotypes: endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs.


Constitution theory in philosophy
Constitution theory is known as
Constitutional interpretation theories
Constitutionalism theory
Constitution theory logical positivism
Process theory constitutional law
Constitutional justice a liberal theory of the rule of law
Living constitution theory
Constitutional moment theory
Originalist constitutional theory meaning
Modern constitutional theory
Constitutional norms theory
Living constitution theory name
Constitutional theory oxford
Constitution theory originalism
Constitutional order theory
Sheldon's constitutional theory of personality
The constitutional theory of the federation and the european union
The constitutional theory of the presidency was first advocated for by this framer
Genetic constitutional theory of stress