Construction naics code

  • What is NAICS code for construction?

    NAICS 236000 - Construction of Buildings..

  • Each business is classified into a six-digit NAICS code number based on the majority of activity at the business.
    The Census Bureau tabulates the data into summary totals at the two-digit down to six-digit NAICS levels.
  • NAICS Code 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction.
236210Industrial Building Construction. 7,786 ; 236220Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. 58,406.236220236115238990236118 Residential Remodelers
In general construction, the NAICS Code is 236220. In a case where an individual is primarily involved in building a factory or warehouse then NAICS code 236210. Typical industrial building types include canneries, paper mills, cement plant assemblies, steel mill, and food processing plants.

How do I order a list of companies within NAICS code 23?

To order a list of companies within NAICS Code 23 - Construction for marketing (postal mailing, telemarketing, emailing) or analytics-use, fill out the Request Form on the right of this page or see our ' Buy Business List ' page for more purchasing information

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What is NAICS code 236220 - commercial and institutional building construction?

For example, commercial and institutional building project construction management firms would fall under NAICS Code 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, while residential project construction management firms would fall under NAICS Code 23611 - Residential Building Construction

What is the NAICS code for construction inspection services?

The NAICS Code for Construction Inspection Services is 541350

The official name for this industry is Building Inspection Services ( NAICS Code 541350 ), which actually falls under the parent category of Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services (NAICS Code 5413), not Construction ( NAICS Code 23 )

The NAICS Code for Residential Construction companies is 23611. This industry is made up of businesses that build or remodel and re…
Shawmut Design and Construction is a US construction management firm.


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