Strict construction quizlet

  • What are the characteristics of strict construction?

    Strict construction is a form of judicial interpretation of a statute.
    The fundamental principle behind this construction is that the text of a provision in a statute should be applied as it is written (see also: statutory construction)..

  • What does loose constructionist mean?

    Loose Constructionism is the judicial philosophy whereby the Constitution is interpreted loosely, typically reading between the lines, to extract a meaning.
    When practicing loose constructionism, justices will take an issue and look at the context of it, and then at the constitution..

  • What is a strict construction quizlet?

    The strict construction of the Constitution refers to judicial interpretation based on the original intent of the Constitution, which holds that the Constitution means exactly what it states.
    It means that it cannot be interpreted or inferred in any way..

  • What is the description of strict constructionist?

    A strict constructionist is someone who believes that the text of the Constitution is not open to interpretation and that the words in the Constitution are literal.
    This philosophy is usually associated with the federal judiciary regarding cases that involve Constitutional matters..

  • loose construction believes in a strong central gov and has a flexible interpretation of the constitution. strict construction believes in the power in the hands of the state/people and dont stretch/change constitution. they both believed that we need a constitution. it sharply challenged the new national gov.
  • The Loose interpretation states that the Federal government can do what is good for the country even if the Constitution doesn't explicitly allow it, but the Strict interpretation states that the Federal government can only do what the Constitution says it can do.
Rating 3.7 (11) What is strict construction (interpretation)? Strict construction means that the Federal government has very limited powers.
The strict construction of the Constitution refers to judicial interpretation based on the original intent of the Constitution, which holds that the Constitution means exactly what it states. It means that it cannot be interpreted or inferred in any way.

Is a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution morally righteous?

While these passages do not explicitly state that a strict constructionist interpretation and veneration of the Constitution is morally righteous, it does show that laws and commands, especially when they are from God, are to be taken seriously

What does strict construction mean?

Strict construction dictates the narrower meaning—vegetables like broccoli and cabbage

Outside of criminal law, courts rarely employ strict construction today

Strict construction is also rare in textualism and originalism

“Textualism” means interpreting a document from the document’s words and structure

What is the difference between textualism and strict construction?

Textualism makes most sense in interpreting federal statutes

Strict construction means that when a word or phrase has several meanings, you apply the narrowest

In rare situations, originalism and textualism may call for strict construction

An example is interpretation of Congress’s power over its own elections ( pdf )


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