Construction vehicles excepted

  • Construction vehicles means private or commercial vehicles or heavy equipment actively involved in the construction process or in the delivery or storage of tools or supplies.

What are the road vehicles construction and Use Regulations 1986?

The Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986 cover the design, manufacture, maintenance, construction and use of motor vehicles and trailers used by road transport operators, amongst others

There are no specified requirements for loads projecting rearwards by up to one metre and forwards by up to two metres

What is the construction and use of vehicles chapter?


Download the Construction and Use of vehicles chapter of the Yearbook of Road Transport Law The Road Vehicles Construction and Use Regulations 1986 cover the design, manufacture, maintenance, construction and use of motor vehicles and trailers used by road transport operators, amongst others

What types of vehicles are exempt from road transport law?

Download the Construction and Use of vehicles chapter of the Yearbook of Road Transport Law Exemptions

Abnormal and projecting loads Projecting loads

Maximum overall length of long roads

Aerodynamic rear devices (retractable or foldable) on heavy goods vehicles

Brakes Motor vehicles Trailers
Articulated haulers function as heavy-duty dump trucks that move large amounts of materials around or off construction sites. Artiā€¦
Construction vehicles excepted
Construction vehicles excepted

UK public policy areas

In the United Kingdom, devolved matters are the areas of public policy where the Parliament of the United Kingdom has devolved its legislative power to the national assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, while reserved matters and excepted matters are the areas where the Parliament retains exclusive power to legislate.
A winter service vehicle (WSV)

A winter service vehicle (WSV)

Vehicle used to clear snow and ice

A winter service vehicle (WSV), or snow removal vehicle, is a vehicle specially designed or adapted to clear thoroughfares of ice and snow.
Winter service vehicles are usually based on a dump truck chassis, with adaptations allowing them to carry specially designed snow removal equipment.
Many authorities also use smaller vehicles on sidewalks, footpaths, and cycleways.
Road maintenance agencies and contractors in temperate or polar areas often own several winter service vehicles, using them to keep the roads clear of snow and ice and safe for driving during winter.
Airports use winter service vehicles to keep both aircraft surfaces, and runways and taxiways free of snow and ice, which, besides endangering aircraft takeoff and landing, can interfere with the aerodynamics of the craft.


Except building construction
Construction exceptionnels
Construction from start to finish
Construction from the ground up
Construction from scratch
Construction from top to bottom
Construction from waste material
Construction from a to z
Construction from paper
Construction from meaning
Construction from timber
Construction from top
Construction from definition
Construction from design
Construction from wood
Construction from documents
Construction inclusion week
Construction industries board
Construction insider
Construction inside house