Automatic ontology construction from text

  • How do I create my own ontology?

    Ontology is a working model of entities and interactions in data mining, and it can be defined broadly or in a specific subject of knowledge or practise, such as healthcare or academia.
    An ontology can take many different shapes, but it will always involve a lexicon of terms and some explanation of their significance..

  • How do you construct ontology?

    The development of ontologies is a modeling process that needs the cooperation of ontology engineers (also called ontologists) who should have sufficient understanding of the domain knowledge.
    In our experience, ontology construction is a complex and labor-intensive activity..

  • How is ontology created?

    In practical terms, developing an ontology includes: • defining classes in the ontology, • arranging the classes in a taxonomic (subclass–superclass) hierarchy, • defining slots and describing allowed values for these slots, • filling in the values for slots for instances..

  • What is AI ontology?

    An ontology is a basic term of knowledge as a collection of ideas within an area and their connections.
    Classes, individuals, characteristics, and relations, as well as rules, limitations, and axioms, must all be explicitly specified for such a description to be possible..

  • What is NLP ontology?

    Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between the concepts that these terms represent from a corpus of natural language text, and .

  • What is ontology in text analysis?

    Natural language ontology is a sub-discipline of both philosophy and linguistics, more specifically, of metaphysics and natural language semantics.
    It was recognized as a separate field of study relatively recently, through the development of natural language semantics over the last decades..

  • What is ontology in text mining?

    Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between the concepts that these terms represent from a corpus of natural language text, and .

  • What is the development process of ontologies?

    Ontology is a working model of entities and interactions in data mining, and it can be defined broadly or in a specific subject of knowledge or practise, such as healthcare or academia.
    An ontology can take many different shapes, but it will always involve a lexicon of terms and some explanation of their significance..

  • Ontology
    An ontology may have hypernymy relationships from multiple overlapping taxonomies.
    For example, in a single ontology, we can have both the zoological "a polar bear is a mammal" and the geographic "a polar bear is a Arctic animal".
    Ontologies include additional types of relationships that are usually binary.
Nov 8, 2019Text-to-Onto (Maedche and Volz 2001) is a semi-automated system that builds a domain ontology from an initial core ontology by using data mining 
Ontology construction from text is a procedure that involves analysing the collected text for a specific domain; identifying the relevant terms, concepts and their relationships; mapping and representing the ontology by representation language [e.g. OWL (Web Ontology Language), RDF (Resource Description Framework), or

Can automatic ontology construction be automated?

Nevertheless, manually construction of ontologies is time-consuming as well extremely laborious and costly process

In recent years, many approaches and systems that try to automate the construction of ontologies have been developed

This paper reviews various approaches, systems, and challenges of automatic ontology construction from the text

What is the process of constructing an ontology?

The process of constructing the ontology includes six tasks as follows: 1

Specifying the domain to create well-defined terms and concepts


Identifying the key terms, concepts, and their relations in the domain


Establishing or inferring the rules and axioms that describe the structural properties of the domain



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