Construction inflation since 2010

  • Subtract the past date CPI from the current date CPI and divide your answer by the past date CPI.
    Multiply the results by 100.
    Your answer is the inflation rate as a percentage.
Dec 20, 2022Since 2010, Construction Spending is up over 100%, but after All 2021 indices have increased since my May 2021 Inflation Report. These 

How much has commercial construction inflation risen since 1998?

This is the highest six-month increase recorded since the SCSI began tracking commercial construction inflation figures in 1998; higher even than the 7

4% recorded during the Celtic Tiger era in the second half of 2000

What is the rate of inflation for commercial construction tenders in Ireland?

According to the SCSI’s index – which is the only independent assessment of commercial construction tender prices in Ireland – this brought the national annual rate of inflation – July 2021 to June 2022 – to 14% – up from 13

4% in the previous report

Will construction price inflation increase in 2022?

Friday July 22nd, 2022: The latest Tender Price Index published by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland shows the rate of construction price inflation increased by 7

5% in the first half of 2022, up from 6% in the second half of 2021


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