Construction upto plinth level

  • What is FFL in civil engineering?

    The Finished Floor Level (FFL) is the level, or height, at which the floor of a building or structure (including alterations and additions) is proposed to be built.
    These levels are nominated on a site/civil plan, including accurate survey information for the development site and its surrounds..

  • What is NGL and FGL?

    Minimum depth of foundation for all structures shall be from the Finished Grade Level (FGL) where cutting has been done and shall be from the Natural Grade Level (NGL) where filling has been done at respective location, for achieving the required FGL ( 200mm above the concrete cellar top of a nearby well which .

  • What is plinth level construction?

    A-Level where the foundation closes and the superstructure begins is known as the plinth level.
    The plinth is a piece of the superstructure situated between the ground level and the completed floor level.
    The plinth helps in moving the superstructure's heap to the establishment..

  • What is the construction of plinth level?

    It is the part of the Superstructure between the top of the tie beam at the finished ground level (the top level of the soil surrounding the structure that has been prepared and levelled before construction) and the floor level of the building (the ground floor level inside the building)..

  • What is the height from foundation to plinth?

    Plinth height is the height of the plinth level from the original ground level.
    Usually, a height of 350 mm or 450 mm is used as the plinth height..

  • What is the maximum height of plinth level?

    The height of plinth level is normally maintained between 300 mm to 450 mm.
    As the standard wall width in India is 9 inches, the width of the beam is usually the same, which is 225 mm.
    As a general thumb rule, the minimum size of RCC plinth beam must not be less than 9” x 9” i.e., 225 mm x 225 mm..

  • What is the ratio of concrete to the plinth beam?

    However, a commonly used ratio for plinth beams is 1:2:4..

  • Which structure is below plinth level?

    Explanation: Substructure or foundation is the lower portion of the building which lies below the plinth level.
    Substructure transmits loads of the superstructure to the supporting soil..

  • Calculate Plinth Height: The plinth height can be calculated by subtracting the ground level elevation from the finished floor level elevation.
    This calculation provides the vertical distance between the ground and the finished floor level.
  • Flood Protection: In areas prone to flooding or high water tables, plinth height becomes crucial in protecting the building from water damage in the west-facing house plan with vastu.
    Raising the plinth above the anticipated flood level can help safeguard the structure and its occupants.
  • The vertical distance from natural ground level to the roof or parapet at any point.
    Accordingly, the lowest point of measurement for building height is referenced to 'natural ground level' ('NGL').
Oct 11, 2018Residential Building construction upto Plinth level watch Below these links are our civil videos
Duration: 2:46
Posted: Oct 11, 2018

What is Linth level in building construction?

In all types of building construction; several levels ( like lintel level, sill level, etc) are provided to make the structure sound and stable

One such important level in building construction is the Plinth level

What is plinth level in construction?

A-Level where the substructure ends and the superstructure starts is known as the plinth level

The plinth is a part of the superstructure located between the ground level and the finished floor level

The plinth helps in transferring the superstructure’s load to the foundation

What is plinth protection?

The plinth protection is mostly covered with a layer of paver blocks, stones, or gravels in the case of the well-finished buildings

{ Note: There is a difference between plinth and plinth level

The point or level where the plinth is provided is the plinth level


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