Waterway whose construction began in rome

What type of water did Rome have?

Public fountains were the most common form of potable water for Rome’s citizens, the majority of whom did not have private taps in their homes or apartments

In the peak of the Roman empire, it was said that a public fountain could be found within a 50 meter radius anywhere in the city

What was the first water project in Rome?

The first water-related project in Rome was likely the Cloaca Maxima, or the Great Sewer

The Cloaca Maxima was a drainage canal that began construction in 600 B

C E at the order of the fifth king of Rome, Tarquinius Priscus

When was the first aqueduct built in Rome?

Rome 's first aqueduct was built in 312 BC, and supplied a water fountain at the city's cattle market

By the 3rd century AD, the city had eleven aqueducts, sustaining a population of over a million in a water-extravagant economy; most of the water supplied the city's many public baths


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