Construction management naics code

  • 238910 Site Preparation Contractors
    This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in site preparation activities, such as excavating and grading, demolition of buildings and other structures, and septic system installation.
  • How are Naics codes determined?

    Each business is classified into a six-digit NAICS code number based on the majority of activity at the business.
    The Census Bureau tabulates the data into summary totals at the two-digit down to six-digit NAICS levels..

  • What is Naics code 236220?

    NAICS Code 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction..

  • What is the NAICS code for construction project management?

    In general construction, the NAICS Code is 236220.
    In a case where an individual is primarily involved in building a factory or warehouse then NAICS code 236210..

  • What is the NAICS code for management company?

    NAICS 551100 - Management of Companies and Enterprises..

  • What is the Naics code for management?

    NAICS 551100 - Management of Companies and Enterprises is part of: NAICS 551000 - Management of Companies and Enterprises.
    SOC Major Groups in NAICS 551100 - Management of Companies and Enterprises: 00-0000 All Occupations..

  • What is the Naics code for project management consulting?

    NAICS Code 54161 - Management Consulting Services sits in the 2-digit Management Consulting Services sector.
    NAICS codes can be 2- to 6-digits and the further along the hierarchy, the more detailed and specific the category will be..

  • NAICS Code 54161 - Management Consulting Services sits in the 2-digit Management Consulting Services sector.
    NAICS codes can be 2- to 6-digits and the further along the hierarchy, the more detailed and specific the category will be.
In general construction, the NAICS Code is 236220. In a case where an individual is primarily involved in building a factory or warehouse then NAICS code 236210.
This industry comprises establishments primarily responsible for the construction (including new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs) of 

What is included in the NAICS code for construction?

In general construction, the NAICS Code is 236220.
In a case where an individual is primarily involved in building a factory or warehouse then NAICS code 236210.
Typical industrial building types include:

  • canneries
  • paper mills
  • cement plant assemblies
  • steel mill
  • and food processing plants.
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    What is the NAICS code for framing contractors?

    The NAICS code for general contractors is 236115 when working primarily on new residential single-family dwellings.
    Specialties such as:

  • roofing contractor (2488160)
  • construction contractor (238140)
  • and framing contractor (288230) are covered by the NISC Code 238 - Special Trade Contractor but all have unique codes.
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    What is the NAICS code for general contractors?

    There are many different NAICS codes for construction contractors.
    The most commonly used NAICS code for a General Contractor is 236115 if the work is primarily for new single-family residential construction.


    What is the NAICS code for roofing contractors?

    The NAICS code for general contractors is 236115 when working primarily on new residential single-family dwellings.
    Specialties such as:

  • roofing contractor (2488160)
  • construction contractor (238140)
  • and framing contractor (288230) are covered by the NISC Code 238 - Special Trade Contractor but all have unique codes.

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