Difference between management contracting and construction management

  • What is the management contracting?

    Management Contracting is a form of construction procurement where the Client for a project employs different Subcontractors directly.
    The Client has a Main Contractor in place that is responsible for managing the Subcontractors, but is not in contract with them in the same way as with traditional procurement.Mar 6, 2019.

  • Unlike a traditional or design and build procurement, the Management Contractor is not required to carry out any construction works but instead is paid a fee to manage construction works carried out by others.

Advantages For The Employer

The Management Contractor is brought in to a project at an earlier stage than a design and build contractor would be, and is therefore able to provide specialist input into the procurement process.


Budget and Programme

Where the works run into delay, the Management Contractor is liable to pay liquidated damages to the Employer if the completion date is not met, but is reimbursed by the Employer to the extent that the delay is not the fault of Management Contractor and sums cannot be recovered from the relevant works contractor (or works contractors).
If one works.


Disadvantages For The Employer

Whilst the Employer is in contract with the Management Contractor, the Management Contractor is only responsible for discharging its own obligations, and the risk of delivery is disaggregated acros.


Is construction management a good alternative to management contracting?

Employers can be caught out where the contract runs over a long period and unexpected inflation takes place, which results in the final cost of the project exceeding the cost plan.
Construction management offers an alternative to management contracting and in like manner is suitable for large projects where an early start on site is required.


Payment to The Management Contractor

There is no lump sum fee payable to the Management Contractor, instead the Management Contractor's remuneration is based on the cost of the works packages plus agreed fees (to cover the Management Contractor's overheads and off-site activities), so it is similar to a 'cost plus' arrangement.
Construction will often start prior to the point where ma.



Under a management contract, the Employer appoints a Management Contractor and the Management Contractor then appoints the trades direct, through a number of works contracts.
It would be easy to look at the structure of management contracting and equate it to a traditional contracting model but in practice the risk profile for an Employer is very d.


The Management Contractor's Role

Unlike a traditional or design and build procurement, the Management Contractor is not required to carry out any construction works but instead is paid a fee to manage construction works carried out by others.
The Management Contractor in effect provides services and not works.
Whilst the Management Contractor enters into and enforces Works Contrac.


What are the key provisions of Management Contracting?

This article provides an overview of the key provisions of management contracting.
Under a management contract, the Employer appoints a Management Contractor and the Management Contractor then appoints the trades direct, through a number of works contracts.


What Is Management Contracting?

The JCT Management Contract is a form of contract that we rarely see used, particularly when compared to the traditional or design and build forms.
Nevertheless it remains an alternative form of procurement on projects which require an early start on site prior to completion of the design.
However, employers need to be aware of the implications of .


What is the difference between a construction manager and a contractor?

Managing contractors establish a unified framework by entering comprehensive agreements with various stakeholders, providing clients with a single touchpoint for streamlined communication and reduced interface risks.
Conversely, construction managers typically play a role akin to a consultant and have limited legal exposure.


What is the difference between management and management contracting?

The main difference with management contracting is that the Management Contractor, normally a fairly experienced contractor, becomes involved far earlier in the process and will take responsibility, in conjunction with the professional team, for the splitting of the works into appropriate works packages and for letting those packages.


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