Construction process phases

  • What are the 5 phases of the design build process?

    The operational phase of a building refers to the period of time during which the building is being used for its intended purpose.
    It begins after construction is completed and the building is occupied, and continues until the building is no longer in use or is repurposed for a different use..

  • What are the 7 stages of construction?

    Design-Build Process Steps.
    The design-build process can be broken down into five main steps: team selection, project planning, design, GMP/bidding, and construction.
    For the most part, these steps will happen sequentially, but not necessarily independent of one another..

  • What are the phases of construction operations?

    The phases of building construction can typically be divided into five phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and the completion..

  • Design-Build Process Steps.
    The design-build process can be broken down into five main steps: team selection, project planning, design, GMP/bidding, and construction.
    For the most part, these steps will happen sequentially, but not necessarily independent of one another.

Finishes and Fixtures

Of all the phases of construction, finishes and fixtures are the final push.
At this point, the building starts to take its final form, inside and out.
There are many moving parts at this stage, and the general contractor has to stay on top of things to make sure it runs smoothly.
The number of subs jumps tremendously: glazing, door and window, mas.



The pre-construction phase is the point where someone takes an idea and puts it into motion.
This stage involves planning, surveying, engineering, design development, permits, and more.
It serves as the roadmap the rest of the project will follow.
The pre-construction phase involves a number of parties, which may include:.
1) The property owner.
2) A.


What are the different phases of a construction project?

There are six critical stages of construction:

  • pre-construction
  • sitework
  • rough framing
  • exterior construction
  • MEP (mechanical
  • electrical
  • and plumbing)
  • and finishing.
  • ,

    What happens during the execution phase of a construction project?

    The implementation and execution phase is where you and all of your stakeholders will use the plans to start construction.
    Within the implementation and execution phase, there are steps you’ll need to follow.
    Before construction activity starts, host a meeting for every single person involved in the construction.


    What happens during the planning phase of a construction project?

    The planning phase involves further development of the project in detail to meet the project’s objective.
    The team identifies all of the work to be done.
    The project’s tasks and resource requirements are identified, along with the strategy for producing them.

    The enterprise unified process (EUP) is an extended variant of the unified process and was developed by Scott W.
    Ambler and Larry Constantine in 2000, eventually reworked in 2005 by Ambler, John Nalbone and external text>Michael Vizdos.
    EUP was originally introduced to overcome some shortages of RUP, namely the lack of production and eventual retirement of a software system.
    So two phases and several new disciplines were added.
    EUP sees software development not as a standalone activity, but embedded in the lifecycle of the system, the IT lifecycle of the enterprise and the organization/business lifecycle of the enterprise itself.
    It deals with software development as seen from the customer's point of view.


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