Construction procedure of earth road

  • What is earth work excavation?

    Earthwork is moving a section of the earth's surface from one spot to another and into a new position.
    It also entails establishing a new place for earth materials such as sand.
    Earth movement also entails transforming the earth's substance and being moved into a new desirable shape and physical condition..

  • Earthworks operations include the excavation, transport, placement and compaction of fill materials to construct earth structures, and is a significant element of almost all civil engineering projects.

Advantages of Earth Road

Some of the advantages of earth road are given below. a.
It is economical to construct. b.
It can be constructed in very little time. c.
Local people and materials can be utilized in the construction of this road. d.
It can be easily improved further in the future according to requirements.



The type of low-cost roadin which pavement structure is constructed with the soil available at the site is called earth road.
It is also known as theearthen road.
It is the cheapest type of road.
It is best to construct when the budget or fund is limited.
This type of road is generally found in rural and village areas.
Earth road can be improved fu.


Precautions to Be Taken During Construction

The camber should be very steep.
This reduces the contact time of water with the road which increases durability.
Generally, the slope between 1 in 20 to 1 in 33 is suitable. b.
The height of the embankment should be above 600 mm.


Selection of Material For Construction

The soil used in the construction should contain the following:.
1) Clay Content a.
Clay should not be more than 5 % in the soil if it has to be used in the base course.
Excessive clay leads to deformation and settlement of road foundation. b.
Soil should contain 10 to 18 % clay if it has to be used in surface course.
2) Silt Content a.
Minimum of 9.


What is earth road?

What is Earth Road .
When the foundation and wearing surface of the road consists of one or two compacted layers of an ordinary soil or stabilized soil then such road is called as “Earth Road’ Ordinary Earth Road.
Stabilized Earth Road.


What is the construction procedure of earth road?

Construction Procedure of Earth Work.
There are only 2 materials required for the construction of earth road .Natural soil or the soil that is available locally and suitable stabilizer if required for the given conditions. 1.


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