Building regulation procedures

  • What are the functional requirements of the building regulations?

    They consist of a set of functional requirements, covering areas such as structure, fire safety, drainage, ventilation, etc, which are backed up by technical guidance in Approved Documents which show ways of complying..

  • What is the building control process UK?

    Our building control team will check and 'approve' your project plans before work starts.
    You'll need to submit all drawings, specifications, and where necessary, calculations for structure, thermal, water consumption etc..

  • Regulation 7 says, “Building work shall be carried out with adequate and proper materials.” It lists the following criteria for materials to be considered adequate and proper. i) “Are appropriate for the circumstances in which they are used.” ii) “Are adequately mixed or prepared.”
  • They consist of a set of functional requirements, covering areas such as structure, fire safety, drainage, ventilation, etc, which are backed up by technical guidance in Approved Documents which show ways of complying.
Sep 14, 2023Although it may seem daunting, the process of making an application is quite simple and can be broken down into the following five stages: 

Building Control Procedures

Before works are commenced a commencement notice must be given within 7 to 21 days.
This allows inspection of the works by the local authority.
Premises other than a domestic dwelling house require a fire safety certificate.
This involves a prior application to the local authority for a certificate.
The local authority considers plans and drawings .


Building Control Requirements

Prior to the recent 2014 Regulations, the principal obligations were to give a Commencement Notice, and where necessary, to obtain a Fire Safety Certificate and a Disabled Access Certificate (covering compliance with parts B and M of the Building Regulations).
The form of Commencement Notice under the previous Building Control Regulations was signe.


Building Regulations

Building regulations deal with the construction of standards of buildings.
They go further than mere physical construction to apply to a range of facility issues on fire safety, disability access, heat efficiency and so.
There are two principal aspects.
One aspect deals with the detailed building regulations themselves.
They are set out in statutor.


Do I need building regulations approval or planning permission?

Building regulations approval is different to planning permission although your project may need both.
Contact a building control body for advice if you are unsure.


Enforcement I

The local authority has powers of inspection.
There is no actual duty to inspect the works.
The broad purpose of the legislation is self-certification.
In selling property it is required as a matter of practice that there be an opinion of compliance with or exempt from building regulations by an appropriate qualified professional.
In practice, the .


How do I apply for building regulations?

Alternatively, application forms can be printed, filled in by hand and sent to your local planning authority directly.
You may need building regulations approval for alterations and improvements to an existing building as well as new buildings.
For example, electrical or plumbing work or replacing doors and windows.


Other Building Control Matters

A regularisation certificate may issue where works have been carried without a fire safety certificate.
Application for regularisation certificate.
The application must be accompanied by as constructed drawings and a certificate stating the works are compliant with the requirements of the fire safety certificates of the building regulations.
A disa.


The Scope of Building Regulations

The building regulations relate to the design and construction of buildings, material alterations, extensions of existing buildings, provisions of services, fitting of equipment or in connection with buildings or where there is a material change of use.
What is a material change for building regulations purpose is considered relative to the previou.


Triggering Compliance Obligations

Material alterations or constructions of a building or a material change of use may require both planning permission and fire safety certificate / the disability access certificate.
The legislation lays down exemptions where a certificate of compliance does not apply.
Works to the interior may not require planning permission but may require buildin.


What are building regulations?

Building regulations set standards for the design and construction of buildings to ensure the safety and health for people in or about those buildings.
They also include:

  • requirements to ensure that fuel and power is conserved and facilities are provided for people
  • including :
  • those with disabilities
  • to access and move around inside buildings.
  • ,

    What is building regulations & fire safety procedural guidance?

    Building Regulations And Fire Safety Procedural Guidance The purpose of this non-statutory guidance is to provide building control bodies and fire and rescue services with general advice to assist with a consistent, standardised approach.
    The guidance does not constitute legal advice.


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