Night work procedure for construction

  • What is a risk assessment for working at night?

    The health assessment should consider the specific health risks associated with night work, such as sleep disturbance, and assess whether the worker is capable of performing their job safely and without harm to their health..

  • Night shift safety hazards can include:

    Poor health.Fatigue.Stress.Disruption to family and social life.Lack of motivation.Lowered performance.Development of health issues such as depression.Increase in the number of accidents.
When working construction at night, use proper lighting and visibility, prevent noise and vibration and make sure workers get proper rest.
  1. Use proper lighting for best visibility.
  2. Prevent noise and vibration when possible.
  3. Make sure workers get proper rest.
  4. Takeaways for your construction night work plan.
Invest in adequate lighting. Consider purchasing automated flagger assistance devices to keep your flaggers out of traffic. Outfit your crew with the appropriate safety gear of the right class for their job. Install barriers to prevent noise pollution and to keep people out of the construction area.


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