Constructivism in architecture

  • Constructivism buildings

    The idea of the constructivism movement was to redefine the traditional aspects of art and design into something the consumerist society would appreciate.
    So in architectural and design, it translated to taking advantage of the possibility of newer materials.
    This movement went to reinvent the typical building façade.Aug 3, 2017.

  • What are the characteristics of Constructivism in architecture?

    Constructivism is active, it is not only depicting reality but also shapes it.
    It is inherently dynamic.
    Time and Movement became an essential means of space shaping.
    The shapes were influenced by geometric simplicity, and the architectural composition became asymmetrical and dynamic..

Constructivists believed that the visual perception of the building should be primarily connected with its functional purpose and social content, rather than with symbolic meaning or abstract composition. Constructivism was grounded on the idealized idea of design and construction feasibility.


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