Radical constructivism examples

  • Types of constructivism

    The defining feature of radical constructivism is the view that one cannot teach students but must allow them to create the knowledge that they need..

  • Types of constructivism

    The two basic principles of radical constructivism are that knowledge is not passively received through the senses but is actively constructed by the cognizing subject, the learner, and that the function of cognition is organization of the experiential world rather than discovery of an independent reality..

  • What is radical constructivism and examples?

    Radical constructivism is an approach to epistemology that situates knowledge in terms of knowers' experience.
    It looks to break with the conception of knowledge as a correspondence between a knower's understanding of their experience and the world beyond that experience..

  • What is the principle of radical constructivism?

    The defining feature of radical constructivism is the view that one cannot teach students but must allow them to create the knowledge that they need..

Radical Constructivism is not a theory of teaching. An explicit tenet of Radical Constructivism is that the theory cannot prescribe teacher action, because 
Radical Constructivism starts with the recognition that knowledge is not a “thing” that can be shunted into a mind (from another mind, a text, etc.). Rather, it 

Does radical constructivism give agency to the learner/learner?

In addition, he insists that radical constructivism gives agency to the knower/learner in that it puts emphasis on the active role we all have in constructing knowledge, thereby giving us responsibility for our actions (von Glasersfeld, 2010 ).


Principal Metaphors

Knowledge is … sum of collectively established construals/constructs



Critical Constructivism


What does von Glasersfeld mean by radical constructivism?

Von Glasersfeld aimed to emphasize that knowledge is subjectively constructed rather than objectively perceived through senses.
In its original form, Radical Constructivism does not include:

  • any tenet about the outside reality
  • and so does not present a formal metaphysics.
  • ,

    What is an example of a radical constructivist?

    For example, Hardy and Taylor (1997) posited that "knowledge consists of those mental constructs that satisfy the constraints of objective reality" and alleged that radical constructivists are "asserting that knowledge does not 'match' the world's actual structure, but 'fits' within or slide between" (p. 1)...


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