Constructivism definition in research

  • What is constructivism in research method?

    Constructivist grounded theory is based on the belief that reality is socially constructed by individuals who interact with one another to create meaning.
    It involves engaging with participants in order to uncover their beliefs, values, and perspectives, which then become the basis of the research.Apr 12, 2023.

Constructivism is a learning theory which holds that knowledge is best gained through a process of reflection and active construction in the mind (Mascolo & Fischer, 2005). Thus, knowledge is an intersubjective interpretation.


This article is about the constructivist learning theory, which is based on the idea that people actively construct their own knowledge and reality.
It explains how this theory influences students' learning and provides information on different types of constructivism, such as cognitive, social, and radical.
The article also discusses how teachers .


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