Constructivism articles

Is constructivism a'scientific' process?

It may appear paradoxical that one of the claims of constructivism is that the brain uses a process of ‘scientific’ enquiry to try to make sense of the world but that individuals can then come up with and sustain ‘non-scientific’ beliefs or theories

What are the different types of constructivism?

Whether ontological or epistemological, constructivism comes in two varieties: individualist and social

Whereas according to the former the individual is the source of everything, according to the latter the social group, in particular the scientific community, constructs whatever it studies, even natural things such as stars


Constructivism art movement characteristics
Constructivism art movement examples
Constructivism art artists
Constructivism art poster
Constructivism art sculpture
Constructivism art timeline
Constructivism art collage
Theorist behind constructivism
Philosophy behind constructivism
Science behind constructivism
Between constructivism and connectedness
Difference between constructivism and cognitivism
Difference between constructivism and interpretivism
Difference between constructivism and behaviourism
Difference between constructivism and enactivism
Similarities between constructivism and behaviorism
Difference between constructivism and progressivism
Difference between constructivism and poststructuralism
Difference between constructivism and deconstructivism
Difference between constructivism and realism