Objectivism and constructivism ontology

  • What is a constructivist ontology?

    Constructivism is a philosophical paradigm that ontologically emphasizes how an individual actively constructs their own notions of reality through their cognition (Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Schwandt, 1997) resulting in the existence of multiple realities..

  • What is objectivism and constructivism?

    Constructivism claims that reality is more in the mind of the knower, that the knower con- structs a reality, or at least interprets it, based upon his or her apperceptions.
    The empha- sis in objectivism is on the object of our know- ing, whereas constructivism is concerned with how we construct knowledge..

  • Constructivism is based on the idea that reality is constructed by society, culture, human interaction etc, whereas objectivism is based on the idea that reality exists independent of all the aforementioned things.
  • Objectivity believes that knowledge exists whether we are conscious of it or not.
    Constructionist believes that we come to “know” through our interactions.
    Subjectivity believes that everyone has a different understanding of what we know.
  • Social constructionists differ from extreme subjectivists in insisting that realities are not limitless and unique to (or definable by) the individual; rather, they are the product of social definitions and as such far from equal in status.

What are the implications of constructivism for IST?

The implications of constructivism for IST provide a context for asking the reader to consider to what extent our field should consider this philosophical paradigm shift

Brown, J S , Collins, A , & Duguid, P (1988)

Situated cognition and the culture of learning

Educational Researcher, 18 (1), 32–42

Bruner, J (1986)

What is Objectivist Epistemology?

Adhering to an objectivist epistemology associ- ated with a critical realist ontology as described here means that objects are believed to embody essences that are above and beyond the influence of humans, and these essences are discoverable through impartial observation

What is the difference between constructivism and Objectivism?

The philosophical assumptions of objectivism are then contrasted with constructivism, which holds that knowing is a process of actively interpreting and constructing individual knowledge representations


Opposite of constructivism education
Constructivism overview
Constructivism reconsidered past present and future
What is the history of constructivism
Constructivism perspective
Constructivism period
Constructivism person
Constructivism perception
Constructivism perspective theory
Constructivist perspective of assessment
Constructivist perspective definition
Constructivist perspective of learning
Constructivist perspective of assessment ppt
Constructivist perspective international relations
Constructivist person
Constructivist perspective on language development
Constructivist perspective psychology
Constructivist perspective theory
Constructivist perspective on teaching natural science
Constructivism educational implications