Constructivism peer reviewed articles

  • Constructivism key theorists

    On the one hand, there are "conventional" constructivist scholars such as Kathryn Sikkink, Peter Katzenstein, Elizabeth Kier, Martha Finnemore, and Alexander Wendt, who use widely accepted methodologies and epistemologies, and whose work has been widely accepted within the mainstream IR community and generated vibrant .

  • What do critics say about constructivism?

    One common criticism of the constructivist learning theory is that it lacks clear instructional strategies for teachers to follow.
    Without a set curriculum or standardized grading system, some argue that teachers may struggle to guide students towards specific learning goals..

  • Who are the key researchers in constructivism?

    Jean Piaget falls into the radical constructivism camp.
    Lev Vygotsky, on the other hand, concentrates on the social aspects of learning through experiences.
    John Dewey straddles the line between the two perspectives and has many ideas that match with each side..

  • Constructivist learning approaches emphasize discovery learning and view knowledge acquisition as a social activity; therefore, peer learning as a collaborative work between peers has become an important means of implementing constructivist educational approaches as well as a means of enhancing teaching-learning

Is constructivism a theoretical foundation for the use of Technology in social studies?

Constructivism as a theoretical foundation for the use of technology in social studies

Theory and Research in Social Education, 31 (1), 71–103

Dunn, R , & Smith, J B (1990)

Chapter four: Learning styles and library media programs

In J B Smith (Ed

), School library media annual (pp

32–49) Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited

What is a constructivist journal?

The journal publishes articles highlighting theoretical, empirical, and methodological developments in constructivist, social constructionist, and related scholarship – as well as relevant contributions to professional practice in areas such as psychotherapy, education, and industry


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