Loose constructionism definition

  • What does loosely constructed mean?

    Loose construction means interpreting a law or document in a way that is broad and flexible, taking into account the situation and purpose of the writing.
    This is different from strict construction, which only considers the literal words of the writing.
    Liberal construction is another term for loose construction..

  • What is a loose construction sentence?

    A broad interpretation of the Constitution , especially one strays from literal , textualist meaning and adapts to evolving circumstances..

  • What is the difference between strict and loose constructionism?

    Lesson Summary.
    Strict construction describes a philosophy of constitutional interpretation that emphasizes a narrow reading of the plain text of the U.S.
    Loose construction describes an approach that emphasizes the ways that historical context should change the way we interpret constitutional provisions.Apr 29, 2022.

  • Who had a loose construction?

    Alexander Hamilton and his followers favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant they believed that the document permitted everything that it did not expressly forbid.
    This contrasted sharply with Thomas Jefferson's strict interpretation..

  • Alexander Hamilton and his followers favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant they believed that the document permitted everything that it did not expressly forbid.
    This contrasted sharply with Thomas Jefferson's strict interpretation.
  • Answer: The Loose interpretation states that the Federal government can do what is good for the country even if the Constitution doesn't explicitly allow it, but the Strict interpretation states that the Federal government can only do what the Constitution says it can do.
  • Loose constructionism is a legal philosophy that favors a broad or flexible interpretation of the Constitution, allowing for the expansion of the powers granted to the federal government.


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