Consumer behaviour factors influencing buyer behaviour

  • What are the factors influencing consumer buyer behaviour?

    The consumer's social situation, time factors, the reason for their purchases, and their moods also affect their buying behavior.
    Your personality describes your disposition as other people see it.
    Market researchers believe people buy products to enhance how they feel about themselves..

  • Consumer behavior is influenced by many external factors and internal factors such as situational, psychological, environmental, and marketing factors, personal factors, family, and culture.
A consumer's buyer behaviour is influenced by four major factors: Cultural, Social, Personal and Psychological. Cultural factors include a consumer's culture, subculture and social class. These factors are often inherent in our values and decision processes.
What are the factors influencing consumer behavior? In a general scenario, we've got five main factors that determine consumer behavior, i.e these factors regulate if a target customer purchases a product or not. These factors are namely Psychological, Social, Cultural, Personal, and Economic factors.

How does age affect buying behavior?

Age is a major factor that influences buying behavior.
The buying choices of youth differ from that of middle-aged people.
Elderly people have a totally different buying behavior.
Teenagers will be more interested in buying colorful clothes and beauty products.


Is buying behavior influenced by the external environment?

Buying behavior is not influenced solely by the external environment.
It’s also determined by your level of involvement in a purchase and the amount of risk involved in the purchase.
There are four types of consumer buying behavior, as shown in Figure 3.3.


What factors influence consumer buying behavior?

Perhaps you bought a particular brand because someone in your family bought the same brand.
These are just a couple of examples of some of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior.
Let’s examine some others.
Cultural factors comprise a set of values or ideologies of a particular community or group of individuals.


What is consumer behavior?

Consumer Behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of the ultimate consumer.
Many factors, specificities and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys or the retailers he goes.


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