Consumer behaviour variables

  • What are the 5 determinants of consumer behavior?

    Typically, there are five core factors that influence the decision to buy which are:

    Psychological Factors.Social Factors.Cultural Factors.Economic Factors.Personal Factors..

  • What are the factors that influence consumer behavior

    Experts agree that there are four main types of consumer behavior: complex-buying behavior, dissonance-reducing buying behavior, habitual buying behavior, and variety-seeking buying behavior..

  • What are the variables for consumer behavior?

    By adapting the theory of Phillip Kotler and Gary Amstrong (2008) that define the characteristic influence consumer behavior, the researcher decides to divide the consumer behavior into 4 specific variables; culture, social, personal and psychological..

  • What are the variables of consumer attitude?

    These variables are: Price consciousness, value consciousness, perceived quality and consumer innovativeness..

  • What are the variables of consumer behavior?

    Consumer behavior is influenced by many external factors and internal factors such as situational, psychological, environmental, and marketing factors, personal factors, family, and culture..

  • Socio-demographical variables of "age, gender, education and income" are taken as independent variables and the consumer behaviours towards using online shopping system as dependent variables.

What are the characteristics of a consumer model?

It revolves around the act of purchasing, i


, trying to predict the product to be chosen by the consumer and the amount concerned

This model takes tastes and preferences for granted, and does not take into account the origin of the necessities and their appraisal

The characteristics of this model where consumers are concerned are:

What are the different types of factors affecting consumer behavior?

They are grouped into 2 types of variables: environmental influences (culture, social class, personal influences, family and situation determinants), and individual differences (the consumer's resources, motivation and implication, experience, attitudes, personality, life style and demographic characteristics)

What is consumer behavior?

Consumer behavior can be defined as the study of psychological, physical and social actions when individuals buy, use and dispose of products, services, ideas, and practices

In other words, consumer behavior is the study of how consumers will make their buying decision and what those factors which support or influence these decisions


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