What is consumer behaviour google scholar

  • Reference books for consumer behaviour

    Consumer behaviour can also be defined as those acts of consumers directly involved in obtained using and disposing of economic goods and services, including the decision processes that preceded and determine these acts.
    The goods are produced only to meet the needs of consumer..

What is consumer behavior?

Chen (2006) believes that consumer behavior is the basis for people to perform transactional functions in their lives and is easily affected by other factors, such as individual perception and environment [ 5 ]

The research on the definition of consumer behavior in the academic world is constantly being added to

Who is a consumer?

A consumer is a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase and then disposes of the product in the consumption process

A typical consumer’s utility is dependent on the consumption of agricultural and industrial goods, services, housing and wealth ( Grundey, 2009 )

Why is consumer behavior research important?

Beyond helping consumer behavior scholars and practitioners develop a better understanding of the direction in which the field is progressing and identify the gaps, such studies will provide a guideline for them in positioning their future research and marketing efforts


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