Consumer electronics discogs

  • Consumer Electronics is a punk / electro / noise trio comprising ageing renegade Philip Best (ex-Whitehouse), his wife, the US artist Sarah Froelich and acclaimed noise/techno guru Russell Haswell.
Explore music from Consumer Electronics. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Consumer Electronics on Discogs.

Where is Discogs located?

The Discogs servers, currently hosted under the domain name discogs

com, are owned by Zink Media, Inc

, and are located in Portland, Oregon, US

While the site lists releases in all genres and on all formats, it is especially known as the largest online database of electronic music releases, and of releases on vinyl media

Who invented consumer electronics?

Though no one person can be identified as the "founder" of consumer electronics,Thomas Edison would be most deserving of the title

Edison's invention of the electric typewriter in 1872 and the phonograph in 1877 suggested the early potential of a new breed of business and entertainment devices


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