Consumer electronics naics code

  • What is Naics code 423620?

    NAICS Code 423620 - Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers..

  • What is the Naics code 532210?

    532210 Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental
    This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting consumer electronics equipment and appliances, such as televisions, stereos, and refrigerators.
    Included in this industry are appliance rental centers..

  • What is the Naics code for consumer services?

    NAICS Code 812990 - All Other Personal Services..

  • What is the Naics code for electric products?

    NAICS 335000 - Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing..

  • What is the Naics code for electronic shopping?

    NAICS Code: 454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses NAICS Association..

  • What is the Naics code for used electronics?

    Retailing used electronics--are classified in Industry 453310, Used Merchandise Stores..

  • NAICS Code: 454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses NAICS Association.
  • Retailing used electronics--are classified in Industry 453310, Used Merchandise Stores.
NAICS Code: 423620 Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers | NAICS Association.
NAICS Code: 532210 Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental | NAICS Association.

What are some examples of NAICS code 423620?

Common types of examples within NAICS Code 423620 - Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers are: Example photo for industry NAICS 423620 - Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers

This image represents an activity or product found in this industry

What is NAICS code 443142 - electronics stores?

For some business types, there may be a similar industry to NAICS Code 443142 - Electronics Stores that is a better classification match

Establishments primarily engaged in: Retailing electronic goods via electronic home shopping, mail-order, or direct sale: classified in NAICS Code - 454 - Nonstore Retailers

What is NAICS code 81121?

Providing television or other electronic equipment repair services without retailing new televisions or electronic products: classified in NAICS Code - 81121 - Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair andMaintenance

What is the NAICS Code for Apple Store?

Apple Retail Stores are classified under NAICS Code 443142 – Electronic Stores and Extended SIC Code 573407 – Computer & Equipment Dealers. Other n...

What is the SBA NAICS 443142 revenue limit?

Businesses with an annual revenue under $35,000,000 are considered small businesses by SBA.

How many active businesses operate in NAICS Code 443142?

There are 43,006 verified business locations operating primarily in this industry.

What was the total revenue for NAICS Code 443142?

In 2017 the total revenue for Electronics Stores was $75,650,006,000

What was the annual payroll for NAICS Code 443142?

In 2017 the annual payroll for Electronics Stores was $8,272,211,000

How many people work in NAICS Code 443142?

The number of reported paid employees is 275,963.


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