Consumer products dangerous

  • Are consumer products hazardous?

    Some consumer products contain dangerous chemicals or heavy metals, such as lead, mercury or arsenic.
    These types of products can cause serious health problems, including damage to the brain, nervous system and reproductive system..

  • How can consumer products harm us?

    Some of the chemicals contained in consumer products can cause burning or itchy eyes, headaches, dizziness, or respiratory illnesses.
    Some are allergens that can trigger asthma attacks, are endocrine disruptors, or carcinogens..

  • What are examples of harmful products?

    Products that we use daily, such as household cleaners, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, gasoline, alcohol, pesticides, fuel oil and cosmetics, can also be toxic.
    Any chemical can be toxic or harmful under certain conditions..

  • What are examples of unsafe products?

    Beyond dangerous drugs, defective medical devices, toxic chemicals, food, automobiles, and other goods people buy and use everyday can sometimes cause injuries for which manufacturers, retailers, and parties along the supply chain can be held liable..

  • What are harmful by products?

    Harmful Chemicals and Household Products

    Asbestos.Camphor.Carbon Monoxide.Dry Cleaners/Perchloroethylene.Fiberglass.Green and Safe Cleaning.Hazardous Consumer Products.Mercury..

  • What are products that can be harmful?

    Certain consumer products may be harmful to your health because they contain dangerous chemicals.

    Asbestos.Camphor.Carbon Monoxide.Dry Cleaners/Perchloroethylene.Fiberglass.Green and Safe Cleaning.Hazardous Consumer Products.Mercury..

  • What products harm consumers?

    Common Defective Products
    Appliances: Televisions, kitchen ranges, clothes dryers, hair dryers, microwaves, or power tools that malfunction by falling over, catching fire, or exploding.
    Children's Products: Toys with defective designs, for example, that make them choking hazards, and car seats with design flaws..

  • Beyond dangerous drugs, defective medical devices, toxic chemicals, food, automobiles, and other goods people buy and use everyday can sometimes cause injuries for which manufacturers, retailers, and parties along the supply chain can be held liable.
  • Examples of such chemicals of concern are: triclosan, parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde and certain flame retardants.
  • Some of the chemicals contained in consumer products can cause burning or itchy eyes, headaches, dizziness, or respiratory illnesses.
    Some are allergens that can trigger asthma attacks, are endocrine disruptors, or carcinogens.
Learn more about the following types of products that may be harmful:
  • Ceramic and Metal Ware.
  • Cosmetics and Religious Powders.
  • Foods and Spices.
  • Supplements and Remedies.
  • Jewelry, Amulets/Tabiz and Toys.
May 3, 2023More than 100 types of common consumer products contain at least one, and often multiple, chemicals linked to cancer or reproductive and 
Some consumer products contain dangerous chemicals or heavy metals, such as lead, mercury or arsenic. These types of products can cause serious health problems, including damage to the brain, nervous system and reproductive system.

Are consumer products a safety hazard?

Consumer products include everything we buy

And they are associated with nearly half of all emergency room visits every year

The food we eat, the products we put on our skin, and the items we trust to keep our children safe can also present serious safety hazards

How common are consumer product injuries?

The vast majority of consumer product injuries happen in the home

The CPSC estimates that home cleaning or maintenance products or the home’s design itself are related to 9

5 million emergency room visits every year

It stresses the products may not necessarily be the cause of all the injuries

What are the dangers of plastic products?

Many modern products are made from plastics and other chemicals that bestow a certain property or color onto the item

Sometimes, the chemicals pose a threat to consumers who interact with the product

As you’d expect, most of these are related to the ingestion of certain chemicals or chemical residues after contact with the item

Consumer products dangerous
Consumer products dangerous

United Kingdom legislation

The General Product Safety Regulations 2005 is a 2005 Statutory Instrument of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that demands that No producer shall [supply or] place a [consumer] product on the market unless the product is a safe product and provides broad enforcement powers.
The regulations implemented European Union directive 2001/95/EC and revoked the General Product Safety Regulations 1994.
The regulations also repealed section 10 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 which had previously imposed a more limited general safety requirement.
The Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security is a subcommittee within the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
It was formerly named the Subcommittee on Manufacturing, Trade, and Consumer Protection, Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety and the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance and Data Security before getting its current title at the beginning of the 117th United States Congress.


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