Consumer electronics harmonized code

  • How are HS codes determined?

    HS codes can be determined by a variety of factors including a product's composition, its form and its function.
    An example of a product classified according to its form would be whole potatoes.
    The classification will also change depending on whether the potatoes are fresh or frozen..

  • What is the harmonized code for electronics?


  • What is the HS code for electronic components?

    HS Code 8542 - Tariff Classification of - Electronic integrated circuits; parts thereof..

  • What is the HS code for electronic computer?

    HS Code 84713010 Harmonized System Code Personal Computer..

  • What is the HTS code 8543.70 9940?

    HTS Code 8543.70. 9940 Personal Electric Or Electronic Vaporizing Devices, Others..

  • Can be used for an export declaration.
  • Electronic Integrated Circuits, Others.
Search Consumer electronics HS Code for Consumer electronics import and export at We also provide Consumer electronics import data and Consumer 

What is the Harmonized Commodity Description & coding system?

This is the issue that the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (popularly known as the Harmonized System or the HS) is designed to address

It is a nomenclature which enables all physical goods moving across borders to be assigned to a class in a uniform manner all over the world

What tools are available for the 2022 WCO Harmonized System (HS)?

Two tools to assist in the classification of goods in the 2022 version of the WCO Harmonized System (HS) are available: the Explanatory Notes and the Compendium of Classification Opinions

They are available to anyone who has subscribed to the HS content of the WCO Trade Tools web platform


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