Consumer products naics

  • What is Naics code 454110?

    454110 Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses
    This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing all types of merchandise using nonstore means, such as catalogs, toll free telephone numbers, or electronic media, such as interactive television or the Internet..

  • NAICS Code: 445120 Convenience Stores NAICS Association.
  • With market segmentation by NAICS or SIC code, you can determine which of those industries best represent your ideal customers.
    Identify Potential New Markets: The first two digits of a NAICS or SIC code is an industry title.
    You can use this number to find similar lines of business to those you already serve
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting consumer goods (except consumer electronics and appliances). Illustrative Examples:Altru Health System: Cai International Inc

What is a Naic industry?

The primary principle of categorizing NAIC industries is to group businesses that use similar methods and produce similar products

NAICS divides the entire U S economy into 20 broad industry sectors made up of different business activities, such as construction, wholesale trade, finance and insurance, and professional services

What is a NAICS code?

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes are a series of specific business classifications established by the U


, Mexico, and Canada to provide standardized data for the countries? economies

Good records and using the NAICS properly help business owners identify potential customers that may have interest in their services


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