Consumer electronics planned obsolescence

  • How does Apple use planned obsolescence?

    The tech giant Apple Inc. is the master of this strategy.
    It employs built-in obsolescence to compel consumers to buy iPhones every couple of years.
    As part of its strategy, iPhones use batteries with 2-3 years of lifespan.
    After that, the battery needs replacement which requires a substantial amount..

  • How does planned obsolescence affect consumers?

    Consumers often react negatively to planned obsolescence, especially if new generations of products offer insufficient improvements over the prior versions.
    Brands can be tarnished by artificially stoking demand through this method, ultimately driving customers away..

  • How is planned obsolescence achieved?

    Planned obsolescence is determined largely by the materials a manufacturer chooses to use and how they're put together (think phones with screens glued in place).
    If a company's main source of revenue is selling more stuff every year, there's little incentive to design for durability, longevity, and repair..

  • What products use planned obsolescence?

    Some products inevitably become obsolete after a short time.
    Planned obsolescence examples in day-to-day life include disposable cameras, cutlery, shopping bags, water bottles and take-out containers.
    But it can also occur in more discrete ways..

  • Which is the best example of planned obsolescence?

    Examples of planned obsolescence include:

    Limiting the life of a light bulb, as per the Phoebus cartel.Coming out with a new model for a car every year with minor changes.Short-lasting nylon stockings.Irreplaceable batteries in tech products.The inability to refill an ink cartridge in a printer..

  • Examples of planned obsolescence include:

    Limiting the life of a light bulb, as per the Phoebus cartel.Coming out with a new model for a car every year with minor changes.Short-lasting nylon stockings.Irreplaceable batteries in tech products.The inability to refill an ink cartridge in a printer.
  • And it turns out, this is by design.
    Manufacturers create their products in a way that forces consumers to upgrade every few years.
    This is known as planned obsolescence.
    Now I have to choose between not using the app or being forced into upgrading my phone.
  • Apple continues to be accused of planned obsolescence, as a French court ordered a fresh new probe into its practices.
    French tech advocacy group HOP or Stop Planned Obsolescence filed a complaint alleging that Apple has stymied its repair programme.
Apr 15, 2020Unrepairable phones and laptops are a serious problem in our throwaway society. But the pushback is building - and the coronavirus crisis 
Examples of planned obsolescence Many consumer electronics are designed to make it impossible to repair them or replace parts. Sometimes it is physically impossible because the product carcass cannot be opened without breaking it or the pieces are welded together to prevent replacement.
Planned obsolescence is the calculated act of making sure the existing version of a product will become dated or useless within a given time frame. In technology circles, the replacement cycle for smartphones has historically been two to three years, as their underlying components wear down.

Is planned obsolescence a barrier to environmental sustainability?

Focusing on cases of planned obsolescence in consumer electronics, we show that the concept and procedure carries conceptual ambiguity and moral ambivalence, bearing diffuse harms, benefitting short-term corporate profit but undermining consumer confidence, and posing a major barrier to environmental sustainability

Is planned obsolescence a constituent to contemporary consumer production practices?

The following cases illustrate in which ways planned obsolescence is constituent to contemporary consumer production practices

Well-known examples of planned obsolescence present in consumer products are those of printers and ink cartridges (Amandam, 2020)

The short lifespan of many consumer electronics comes at a high environmental cost. The devices, as well as apps and servi…


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