Consumer lending products definition

  • Types of consumer credit

    The term is typically used to describe debt for everyday goods and services.
    Additional points: 'Consumer financing' covers all point of sale finance, including credit cards and installment loans.
    Businesses of all sizes benefit greatly from offering consumer financing.
    Also referred to as 'Customer financing'.

  • Types of consumer credit

    What is a Consumer Loan? A Consumer Loan is a loan that banks offer to customers to buy household goods and appliances and even personal devices.
    These include television sets, air-conditioners, home theatre systems, refrigerators, laptops, mobile phones, cameras and even modular kitchens..

  • What does consumer lending mean?

    Consumer lending is the category of financing centered on individual and household consumers.
    It includes home and auto loans, as well as personal loans extended to people who use the funds for individual or family purposes.
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  • What is the definition of consumer lending?

    Consumer lending is the category of financing centered on individual and household consumers.
    It includes home and auto loans, as well as personal loans extended to people who use the funds for individual or family purposes.
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Consumer lending includes closed- and open-end credit extended to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures and includes credit cards, auto loans, and student loans.


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